- Teen Driver Training (6 hours behind-the-wheel driving instruction)
- Course Cost – $540 or $135 per 1.5 hour
- For adult behind-the-wheel driving instruction click here.
Course Details
The behind-the-wheel driver training program is competency based which involves driving instruction and practice with parents. This practice occurs over a period of 6 months or longer, in some situations. The teen will greatly benefit from ongoing, daily guidance from parents and distributed practice with the instructor over a period of time. We usually meet 4 times for driving lessons that are 1.5 hours in length. Keep in mind that the permit application is valid for one year.
The California state minimum for applicants under 18 yrs. old is six hours of driving instruction. The total cost to complete the driver training 6-hour course is $540. Payments are accepted through our website or made directly to the instructor at the time of the lesson (pay as you go) or in advance with a check/cash/PayPal.
*Adult behind-the-wheel driving instruction is available and ongoing throughout the year.
As a parent, you should keep in mind that passing the driver license test process at the DMV does not mean a person is necessarily a good driver. Good driving habits must be practiced over a long period of time. Give the novice driver every opportunity to gain traffic knowledge and guidance from an instructor as well as an experienced licensed driver age 25 or older.
As a student, you agree to abide by the instructor’s “in class and in car rules”. If your conduct is not appropriate this partnership may be canceled and fee(s) forfeited.